XXXI ISPIM Innovation Conference (Virtual event)

Innovating in Times of Crisis

7 – 10 June 2020


ISPIM – the International Society for Professional Innovation Management – organised this year an online version of its conference, ISPIM Virtual 2020 (June 7-10): 3 days of thought-provoking innovation discussions with 33 leading global thought-leaders and 250+ presentations with innovation management insights from industry and research.

OpenInnoTrain was featured at ISPIM Virtual 2020 on June 8th 2020 with a workshop with Anne-Laure Mention (RMIT), Massimo Menichinelli (RMIT Europe), Elena Casprini (UNISI – Universitá di Siena), Tor Helge Aas (UiA – University of Agder) and was moderated by Bruno Woeran (Merinova). 

The session was dedicated to the role and impact of research mobility and translation in the OpenInnoTrain project. More specifically, the speakers discussed the importance of RISE projects for research mobility and translation, the challenges in starting a secondment, how to assess its impact on the career of researchers and the organisations involved and how secondments can underpin internationalization of universities.

OpenInnoTrain Workshop – AGENDA 

-15:55 Anne-Laure Mention (RMIT): OpenInnoTrain – a global network of researchers and industry practitioners across Europe and Australia for promoting the research translation between university-industry
-16:05 Massimo Menichinelli (RMIT Europe): Assessing the impact of research mobility and translation
-16:15 Elena Casprini (UNISI – Universitá di Siena): From a piece to a puzzle: challenges in starting a secondment
-16:30 Tor Helge Aas (UiA – University of Agder): How secondments can underpin internationalization of universities
-16:45 Questions

ISPIM Best Innovation Management Dissertation Award  

RMIT  was the academic supporter of the XXXI ISPIM Best Innovation Management Dissertation Award, given on 7 June during the PhD lab, as part of the conference. Anne-Laure Mention was a member of the jury who decided to recognise Paul Moritz as the winner of the 2020 Dissertation Award. 

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Event already started!
June 7 - 10, 2020
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