Megatrends in Agriculture, Food Industry, and Food Markets.
‘This seminar was presented as hybrid format by Henning Otte Hansen, Senior Adviser, Section for Production, Markets & Policy, University of Copenhagen, OpenInnoTrain Secondee. 6th February – 10am – 11am AEDT | 1am – 2am CEST.Â
Text advertising this Seminar: Up to 70 megatrends within agriculture, food industry, food markets, agricultural policy etc. – and some potential disruption – will be presented. These megatrends are rather consistent and are expected to continue.
Today the world is characterized by far greater changes and more uncertainty and unpredictability than in previous periods. In the midst of these changing times, a number of more stable trends still exist, which can be important indicators in both the short and long term. By knowing these megatrends and the underlying driving forces, we can reduce both risk and vulnerability in the future.
Also new future trends, new drivers and disruptive changes are also important – but difficult to identify.
Special focus on the present global food crisis: What are the drivers, impacts and perspectives. Is it a price bubble or a shift a paradigm?
Seminar Reflection: Henning Otte Hansen (currently on an OpenInnoTrain Secondment from the Københavns Universitet – University of Copenhagen to RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia – hosted by Executive Dean School of Science, Professor Charles Brennan and Professor Asgar Farahnaky – presented his exceptionally well attended, 'Megatrends in agriculture, in food industry and food markets' seminar to an engaged, and diverse (geographical, discipline, academic, industry) hybrid audience. Henning brilliantly articulated research, data, and insights around Megatrends in: Agriculture and farms; Food Industry; Food value chain; Position and significance of agriculture, Agricultural and trade policy; Markets; Consumers and consumption; Resources; Food supply; Disruption or new potential trends.
Professor Brennan [LinkedIn text], it was a fascinating insight into megatrends through global innovation systems and offered some very important case studies for business security and sustainability.
This seminar epitomised the value of the secondment (mobility), knowledge exchange, and networking opportunities enabled through the OpenInnoTrain Project, (which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie-RISE scheme). As a result of this event, new connections have been forged and further introductions and collaborations planned.
Acknowledgements: An extremely successful cross-discipline, joint initiative of: Global Business Innovation EIP – (Professor Anne-Laure Mention, Director); STEM College – Executive Dean School of Science, Professor Charles Brennan and Professor Asgar Farahnaky; H2020 EU-Funded Project, OpenInnoTrain (Professor Mention, Chief Investigator); University of Copenhagen.
Day 01 / February 6
1:00 am
10am - 11am AEDT | 1am - 2pm CEST