Hybrid Seminar

 Seminar Abstract:

In this seminar, Birgitta Martinkauppi will explore the following topics

Urban environments contains many possibilities for renewable energy.

The first topic of this presentation is asphalt heat. It is introduced and its relation to heat island effect is demonstrated. The next topic is about the use of concrete crush as a heat storage material. Every year millions of tons of concrete crush is “producted" from demolished buildings. So new, potential reuse applications are needed for it.

The last topic is about seabed sediment. Here a low-temperature district heating system is described. The system utilizes sediment under a sea bay.

When: Tuesday 5 Sept 2023, 12:00pm – 1:00pm (AEST) Seminar / Q&A

In-Person – RMIT Building 11, Level 2, Room 007 Boardroom or

Online – via Teams (link will be sent to registrants prior to event)

Welcome and introduction by: Professor Gary Rosengarten, Director, Sustainable Technologies and Systems Enabling Impact Platform.


OpenInnoTrain Project, is a global network of researchers and industry practitioners across Europe and Australia for promoting the translation of research between university-industry through cooperation and Open Innovation in the sectors of: FinTech, Industry 4.0, CleanTech, FoodTech. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823971.

Birgitta Martinkauppi's bio:

M.Sc., D.Sc. (Tech.) J. Birgitta Martinkauppi, has received her D.Sc.(Tech) from University of Oulu, Finland 2002. She has a qualifications of Vocational teacher . She is currently a University Lecturer with University of Vaasa, Finland. Her research interests include geothermal renewable energy storages, modelling, simulation, analysis and implementation as well as control, monitoring and IoT related issues.

RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia – Global Business Innovation Enabling Impact Platform (Director, Professor Anne-Laure Mention).

University of Vaasa



Day 01 / September 5

  • 12:00 pm
    Melbourne, Australian Time
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