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Read the Project's Publications here:

Digital Health Applications (DiGAs) on a Fast Track: Insights From a Data-Driven Analysis of Prescribable Digital Therapeutics in Germany From 2020 to Mid-2024

Scaling Culture in Blockchain Gaming: Generative AI and Pseudonymous Engagement

Steady-state modeling of water-splitting and multi-ionic transport of skim milk electro-acidification by bipolar membrane electrodialysis

Assessing the Risk of
Bitcoin Futures Market:
New Evidence

Ammonia Valorization by Liquid–Liquid Membrane Contactors for Liquid Fertilizers Production: Experimental Conditions Evaluation

Increasing the circularity of the copper metallurgical industry: Recovery of Sb(III) and Bi(III) from hydrochloric solutions by integration of solvating organophosphorous extractants and selective precipitation

Techno-economic analysis of seawater reverse osmosis brines treatment using nanofiltration modelling tools

What Can Self-Admitted Technical Debt
Tell Us About Security? A Mixed-Methods Study

Start-up innovation and growth
in health-related industries

Unleashing the value of artificial intelligence in the agri-food sector: where are we?

Advanced Hybrid System for Ammonium Valorization as Liquid Fertilizer from Treated Urban Wastewaters: Validation of Natural Zeolites Pretreatment and Liquid-Liquid Membrane Contactors at Pilot Plant Scale

Evaluation of the nanofiltration of brines from seawater desalination plants as pre-treatment in a multimineral brine extraction process

Reclamation of impacted urban phreatic water through nanofiltration technology: Insight on natural organic matter removal by fluorescence spectroscopy

Market orientation, restructuring and collaboration: The impact of digital design on organizational competitiveness

To regulate or not to regulate: unravelling institutional tussles around the regulation of algorithmic control of digital platforms

Experimental and economic evaluation of nanofiltration as a pre-treatment for added-value elements recovery from seawater desalination brines

Drivers of Digital
in SMEs

Integration of ion exchange resins and membrane technology for purification of boron from seawater desalination brines

Future of digital work:
Challenges for sustainable human resources management

From mechanistic measuring to up-to-date understanding: Problematising the study of innovative work behaviour

Identified necessary skills to establish a center of excellence in vocational education for green innovation

To join or not to join?Â
Insights from coopetitive RD&I projects

Coopetitive tensions
across project phases:
A paradox perspective

of Polyphenols from
Agri-Food By-Products:
The Olive Oil and
Winery Industries Cases

Reconfiguring maritime networks
due to the Belt and Road Initiative:
Impact on bilateral trade flows

Digital entrepreneurship platforms: Mapping the field and looking towards a holistic approach

The impact of open-border organization culture and employees’ knowledge, attitudes, and rewards with regards to open innovation: an empirical study

Facilitating innovation
in FinTech:
a review and research agenda

Recovery of rare earth elements from acidic mine waters:Â
An unknown secondary resource

It takes two to tango: technological and non‑technological factors of Industry 4.0 implementation in manufacturing firms

Techno-economic assessment of decentralized polishing schemes for municipal water reclamation and reuse in the industrial sector in coastal semiarid regions: The case of Barcelona (Spain)

Recovery of Added-Value Compounds from Orange and Spinach Processing Residues: Green Extraction of Phenolic Compounds and Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity

Liquid–Liquid membrane contactors incorporating surface skin asymmetric hollow fibres of poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) for ammonium recovery as liquid fertilisers

Integration of membrane processes
for the recovery and separation of polyphenols from winery and olive mill wastes using green solvent-based processing

Cleantech:Â Prospects and Challenges

Assessment of the European monitoring frameworks for the circular economy: the case of Croatia

Exploring the food value chain using open innovation: a bibliometric review of the literature

Serial entrepreneurs: A review of literature and guidance for future research

Balancing Exploration and Exploitation Through Open Innovation in the Automotive Domain – Focus on SMEs

Ecosystem dynamics: exploring the interplay within fintech entrepreneurial ecosystems

Entrepreneurial university: The relationship between smart specialization innovation strategies and university-region collaboration

Exploring a new
incubation model for FinTechs:
Regulatory sandboxes

Open innovation
in the manufacturing industry:
A review and research agenda

Beyond the dyad:
role of non-competitive partners
in coopetitive r&d projects

Business models, strategies and innovation of companies that apply high technology to cultural goods:
first evidence in Italy

A new innovation paradigm: European cohesion policy and the retreat of public science in countries in Europe's scientific periphery

The role of
management support
for the implementation
of open innovation practices in firms

Exploring how social interactions
influence regulators and innovators:
The case of regulatory sandboxes

The Age of FinTech:
Implications for Research,
Policy and Practice