
Carsten Daugbjerg (UCPH)

Carsten Daugbjerg
Professor (UCPH)
Carsten Daugbjerg

Seconded from The University of Copenhagen (Denmark) to RMIT University (Melbourne, Austrlia)

Carsten is a political scientist and professor in the Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen and an honorary professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning since 2014 and serve/have served as a member of the editorial boards of leading policy journals. His research area is comparative public policy with an interest in theories on policy networks and governance, policy feedback, policy paradigms, policy instruments and design. His empirical research has focused on agri-environmental regulation, organic food policy, biofuels policy, agricultural policy reform, farm trade negotiations in the WTO, private food standards and global food security governance.

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