Coopetitive tensions across project phases: A paradox perspective
Sanja Smiljic, Tor Helge Aas, Anne-Laure Mention.
Industrial Marketing Management
- Coopetitive tensions and their management differ across project phases.
- Performing and organizing paradoxes trigger intra-organizational tensions in the pre-project phase.
- Performing, organizing and learning paradoxes trigger inter-organizational tensions at the implementation phase.
- Managing intra-organizational tensions calls for a working-through approach at the firm level.
- Managing inter-organizational tensions calls for mixed strategies at both project and firm levels.
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Smiljic, S., Aas, T.H., Mention, A.-L., 2022. Coopetitive tensions across project phases: A paradox perspective. Industrial Marketing Management 105, 388–403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.06.017