Digital entrepreneurship platforms: Mapping the field and looking towards a holistic approach
Cristina Fernandes, João J. Ferreira, Pedro Mota Veiga, Sascha Kraus, Marina Dabić
Technology in Society
Entrepreneurship is a driver of innovation and economic growth.
Debates on the relevance of digital entrepreneurship have been published in a range of journals.
This study combines bibliometric approaches to examine literature on digital entrepreneurship platforms, forming a holistic picture of the field’s different aspects and trends.
The content and thematic analysis of 97 articles allows us to identify five approaches: i) Digital Entrepreneurship Success Factors, ii) Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Smart Cities, iii) Digital Entrepeneurial Models, iv) Sharing Entrepreneurial Platforms, and v) Digital Platforms about Entrepreneurship Co-creation.
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Fernandes, C., Ferreira, J.J., Veiga, P.M., Kraus, S., Dabić, M., 2022. Digital entrepreneurship platforms: Mapping the field and looking towards a holistic approach. Technology in Society 70, 101979. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.101979