

Increasing the circularity of the copper metallurgical industry: Recovery of Sb(III) and Bi(III) from hydrochloric solutions by integration of solvating organophosphorous extractants and selective precipitation.

N. Benabdallah, D. Luo, M. Hadj Youcef, J. Lopez, M. Fernández de Labastida, A.M. Sastre, C.A. Valderrama, J.L. Cortina 

Chemical Engineering Journal


Read full Open Access paper: Increasing the circularity of the copper metallurgical industry: Recovery of Sb(III) and Bi(III) from hydrochloric solutions by integration of solvating organophosphorous extractants and selective precipitation (zenodo.org)

  • Impurities in the ores (Sb, Bi and As) can compromise Cu quality
  • Purification of the electrorefining electrolyte using ion-exchange resins.
  • Generation of a stream containing up to 8 g/L Sb and 9 g/L Bi.
  • Separation of Sb and Bi from As using solvent extraction.
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