
Miguel Pereira (INESC TEC)

Miguel Pereira
Postdoctoral Researcher
Miguel Pereira

Seconded from INESC TEC (Portugal) to RMIT EU (Barcelona)

2 months, Spring 2022

Miguel Alves Pereira is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC). 

He earned his doctoral degree in Engineering and Management at the Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade de Lisboa in 2021, where he also earned his integrated master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2018. His main interests concern operational research and management science (with an emphasis on the development of efficiency measurement and performance assessment models), and their applications to sustainable development and the health and water and sanitation sectors. 

He is the author of 13 scientific publications in several top international peer-reviewed journals, as well as a referee in 20 of them.

Miguel’s secondment experience:

  • Why did you decide to go on a secondment?

I decided to go on a secondment for two reasons: professional development and personal growth. Regarding the former, I have always sought international experiences and the possibility provided by the OpenInnoTrain project allowed me to pursue my research interests in an exciting overseas environment and among a varied network of colleagues. Regarding the latter, living abroad (even if for a short period) is always enriching and I could not miss the opportunity to thrive in a different city and meet new and interesting people.

  • What are the main research topics that you worked on during your secondment?

During my secondment I worked on the OpenInnoTrain’s development of core competencies, seeking the production of innovative methodologies and new collaborations in my field.

  • Why did you decide to visit RMIT EU?

I decided to visit RMIT EU due to the institution’s unique context. First, because it is the European hub of RMIT. Second, because of its global facet as a university of technology, design, and enterprise. Third, and finally, because of all the fascinating and diverse people I could meet.

  • What was the most valuable thing you took from your secondment?

The most valuable thing I took from my secondment are the memories from my time in RMIT EU and Barcelona, both professional- and personally.

  • Why would you recommend to go on secondment? 

I recommend to go on secondment, either in Barcelona or in any other city enrolled in the program, because of the enlightenment that such an opportunity provides, not only in terms of doing research, networking, lecturing, and experiencing a different organisational culture, but also in terms of meeting new people and discovering a new city.

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