Techno-economic assessment of decentralized polishing schemes for municipal water reclamation and reuse in the industrial sector in costal semiarid regions: The case of Barcelona (Spain).
C. EchevarrÃa, M. Pastur, C. Valderrama, J.L Cortina, A. Vega, C. Mesa, M. Aceves
Science of The Total Environment
- Demonstration at pilot-scale of two pretreatments for RO: (i) UF and (ii) CNM.
- Permeability decline of 5% in RO was observed when was fed with CNM effluent
- Triazine pesticides removal of 67% and 97% were found in the CNM stage.
- Cost curves (CAPEX and OPEX) calculation for three different technologies.
- Water reuse can provide savings between 0.13 and 0.98 €/m3 for evaluated industries.
Cite this article:
EchevarrÃa, C., Pastur, M., Valderrama, C., Cortina, J.L., Vega, A., Mesa, C., & Aceves, M. (2022). Techno-economic assessment of decentralized polishing schemes for municipal water reclamation and reuse in the industrial sector in costal semiarid regions: The case of Barcelona (Spain). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152842