Structure of the OpenInnoTrain project

WP1 – Core Competencies Development in Open Innovation, University-Industry Cooperation and Research Translation
(Lead: RMIT Europe)
This Work Package is designed as the core research platform of the OpenInnoTrain project. The focus is on the undertaking of research activities aimed at advancing knowledge at the nexus of Open Innovation, University-Industry Cooperation and Research Translation, resulting in more efficient and effective research translational practices capable of enhancing the impact of research outcomes. Specifically, the research conducted will feed into as well as be fed by the practice of Research Translation occurring within the chosen 4 application settings (Work Packages 2 to 5).

WP2 – FinTech
(Lead: University of Agder)
The issues and challenges that hinder effective Research Translation within the Fin Tech sphere are studied in this Work Package, paying specific attention to the interactions between incumbents, start-ups and university partners, with the objective to neutralize them via the development, implementation and dissemination of suitably conceived and empirically tested Research Translation tools. Newly developed regulatory sandboxes will be explored as a new locus for university-government-industry engagement in the field of innovation in and for financial services.
#Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #DeFIÂ #RegulatorySandboxes #DigitalPayments #WealthManagement #FinancialInnovation

WP3 – Industry 4.0
(Lead: University of Zagreb)
This Work Package targets the issues and challenges that hinder effective Research Translation within the Industry 4.0 application setting, with the objective to neutralize them via the development, implementation and dissemination of suitably conceived and empirically tested Research Translation tools. Specific emphasis will be put on the challenges and opportunities offered and triggered by digitalisation, as well as on the industry access and use of disruptive technologies, such as additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Factories of the Future, the emergence of new value chains and constellations, as well as platforms, will also be central.
#Digitalization #InternetOfThings #FourthIndustrialRevolution #NewValueChains #Robots #DisruptiveTechnologies #ArtificialIntelligence

WP4 – CleanTech
(Lead: University of Vaasa)
The issues and challenges that hinder effective Research Translation within the Clean Tech sector are targetted in this Work Package, with the objective to neutralize them via the development, implementation and dissemination of suitably conceived and empirically tested Research Translation tools.
#ClimateChange #ReducedWaste #SustainableCities #EnvironmentalProtection #Hydrogen #RenewableEnergies #Recycling #GreenTechnology #Eco-EfficientProductionÂ

WP5 – FoodTech
(Lead: University of Siena)
This Work Package focuses on the issues and challenges that hinder effective Research Translation within the Food Tech sector, with the objective to neutralize them via the development, implementation and dissemination of suitably conceived and empirically tested Research Translation tools. There will be a focus on the specific nature of the food industry, which is characterized by traditional systems and cultures that to some extent create rigidities that hamper creativity and innovation. At the same time, there are new technologies, companies and approaches emerging that challenge existing routines and structures and will thereby create the potential to translate novel Food Tech solutions into organizational practices.
#Nutrition #QualityControl #FoodSafety #Drones #FoodSupplyChain #FoodSystemsTransformation #PrecisionAgricultureÂ

WP6 – Dissemination, Communication & Exploitation
(Lead: RMIT Europe)
The innovation approaches developed in the project will be consolidated and disseminated within the Consortium as well as to outside stakeholders. Special focus is laid on involving SMEs via special International Interdisciplinary Workshops and on decreasing the innovation-to-market time.

WP7 – Project Management
(Lead: RMIT Europe)
This Work Package is ensuring the proposer administration and project management; closely monitoring progress with respect to R&D and secondments and continuously undertaking quality and risk management for the OpenInnoTrain project. Furthermore, gender equality is guaranteed in all activities related to the OpenInnoTrain project.